You desire to be deeply known while feeling shame of letting your true self be seen. 

You desire to share and connect while fearing vulnerability and trusting others.

You desire to be seen while also feeling afraid of being seen.

Can you relate?

OUr services

Your whole self. 

It is about embracing the wholeness of who you are and living beyond intentions but in right relationship with yourself. 

Living a sober lifestyle is not just about removing alcohol and drugs. 

Our services and offerings are designed by and for women and non-binary folks who believe in a sober lifestyle. 

Spiritually based monthly and seasonal circles focused on deepening spiritual practices. 

What to expect: these are monthly offerings that honor the natural cycles and seasons. 

Check out the schedule for current offerings and join our email list to be aware of upcoming events.

Sacred Circles

Supportive group sharing and peer support centered on specific common lived experiences to feel a little less alone and a lot more connected.

What to expect: Open Sharing Circles on specific topics are on our regular schedule for you to join at any time.

Check out our schedule for current offerings.

Sharing Circles

Personal wellness
Intentional Movement
Holding Space
Building Emotional Capacity

Wellness Circles


Our circles provide a safer space where every voice, perspective, and truth is honored. Here, we support each other, uplift one another, and find inspiration in our shared journeys.




(but not limited to):

Explore the 6 dimensions of wellness within a closed, cohort group-sharing setting, occasional guest speakers, and guided support to expand your toolbox. 

What to expect: A 24 week cohort program dedicated to exploring the six dimensions of sober wellness (physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and financial).

Coming soon!

Open, drop-in circles
Immersive and intensive circles
Closed, cohort circles
Day and weekend retreat circles


more on our circe offerings:


Day, weekend and destination retreats coming soon. 


Social events to help foster connection and community. We believe we can take our sobriety seriously without taking ourselves too seriously.  

Social Events

Special workshop series focused on key topics focused on gaining new insights and skills to support your sober wellness. 

Learning Circles

Experiences & Events

Unsure? Reach out and we would be happy to connect to help you determine the best choice forward. 

You cannot honor the intersectionality of cultures, spiritual traditions, identities and sobriety pathways
You are newly sober (less than 90 days)
You are actively using alcohol and/or drugs
You are experiencing active suicidal ideation or having a mental health crisis
You need more intense addiction recovery support

Nekawa is NOT for you if...

You believe that sobriety can come in many forms and that each of us is innately worthy of being seen, heard, and held in community
You are willing to show up with an open mind and open-heart
You've engaged in other pathways such as recovery groups, therapy, etc. and are looking for more connection and support
You hold the desire to deepen your journey of self-exploration, growth, and healing
You have 90+ days of sustained alcohol and drug-free living

Nekawa is for you if...

1:1 therapy is available for people who desire a more intimate self-exploration with our partners at Rebel Rising Wellness. 

These services are more clinical and are focused on trauma healing which is typically at the root of our pain and challenges. 

Seeking 1:1 Therapy?